A technological first!

I thought you might like to hear the wedding music that’s started up again this morning, so have made a one-minute recording from my bedroom. Turn your speakers up to full blast and play on a continuous loop for three days for the genuine experience.  

Categorised as Cambodia

Celestial planning permission

You can see what look like small shrines on poles outside buildings all over Siem Reap and the surrounding villages.  These are called Neak Ta and the tradition dates from pre-Angkorian times ie before the 9th Century, when people had animist beliefs. It is important to build one before you build your house, to ask… Continue reading Celestial planning permission

Categorised as Cambodia

A disturbing discovery

Today I made a disturbing discovery. As if running the country wasn’t taxing enough, our esteemed Prime Minister has another job; she’s moonlighting as a teacher at Biff and Chip’s school. All I can say say is that she makes a bit more of an effort when she’s in Parliament, and actually she scrubs up… Continue reading A disturbing discovery

Categorised as Cambodia

Another day, another dollar

Much as Garrison Keillor always began, ‘Well, it’s been a quiet week in Lake Wobegon’, I could always start ‘Well, it’s been a hot week in Siem Reap.’ Despite the heat, the children race around just like children everywhere. These girls play rope-jumping before school, and can jump it at incredible heights by flicking it… Continue reading Another day, another dollar

Categorised as Cambodia

It’s just not cricket …

I took a trip out to the spice garden, where I was the only visitor and the staff were all far too busy to take any notice of me. So I wandered around, enjoying the huge number of butterflies everywhere.  There were a lot of pepper vines – Cambodia is famous for producing very good… Continue reading It’s just not cricket …

Categorised as Cambodia

The school party

On Friday we had a party – in fact we had two parties, one for the morning classes and one for the afternoon classes.  The party was funded by a group of student physiotherapists from Australia who have been working with the special needs unit for three weeks.  All the children came in wearing their… Continue reading The school party

Categorised as Cambodia

The purple Pringle

A couple of months ago I watched a programme where the sprightly septuagenarian Angela Rippon skipped around the world looking for the secret of eternal youth.  She found it on an island in Japan, where the average age of the inhabitants is about 150, and the secret ingredient in their diet is the purple sweet… Continue reading The purple Pringle

Categorised as Cambodia

Computers, geography and rain

On Monday mornings the children all have to pick up the litter from around the school site.  The two different groups – the morning and the afternoon groups – each do it twice a week, and it really needs doing because Cambodia seems to be covered in plastic.  There are empty drinks bottles and old… Continue reading Computers, geography and rain

Categorised as Cambodia

School lunch

School is morning or afternoon only, so in theory there’s no need to serve school lunch, but there are about twenty children at school who wouldn’t get any lunch if they went home, so there are two school cooks who make lunch for them every day. They have a sort of stew with rice, and… Continue reading School lunch

Categorised as Cambodia

Next, the Games Teacher …

My day started at 5 am today, with very loud, tinny, tuneless music playing somewhere nearby.  As it was still going on two hours later, I asked the staff at breakfast what it was.  They told me that for any type of special ceremony such as a wedding or a funeral the music is played… Continue reading Next, the Games Teacher …

Categorised as Cambodia

The art lesson

Why did I ever think it was difficult to be an art teacher?  The answer to that is obviously propaganda and misinformation from currently-employed art teachers who don’t want the rest of us to find out what a doddle it is. I turned up this morning in some trepidation for my first art class, consoling… Continue reading The art lesson

Categorised as Cambodia

Grace House

I spent my first day observing at Grace House.  The first rule is: always remove your shoes before entering a room … including a classroom: This is the easiest thing in the world to forget if , like me, you’ve spent a lifetime walking into rooms without giving your footwear a second thought.  I keep… Continue reading Grace House

Categorised as Cambodia

Discrimination against hedgehogs

I went down to breakfast this morning and noticed signs all over the guest house asking guests to be quiet, which seems a not unreasonable request, but also banning hedgehogs, which was frankly baffling and got me wondering whether the locals have a habit of smuggling hedgehogs into hotels: When I asked about this I… Continue reading Discrimination against hedgehogs

Categorised as Cambodia