About me

At the age of 55, I discovered that being a teacher is an excellent career choice for a frustrated adventurer.

All I needed was an intensive month’s training, with a certificate at the end of it qualifying me to teach English as a foreign language, and then if I used the magic words ‘native English speaker’, every door/porte/puerta in the world was open to me.

I started my new expat life in Cambodia, with two months as a volunteer teacher in a school in Siem Reap, before taking the plunge and committing to a two-year contract at a school in Kuala Lumpur.

I decided to start a blog about my travels to encourage other people who are thinking about moving abroad to work and show them what a rewarding experience it is. Living abroad has enriched my life, expanded my comfort zone and increased my self-confidence exponentially … not to mention all the incredible places, wonderful people and amazing cocktails I’ve been fortunate enough to experience along the way!