I have never been to a garden before where every plant was screaming –
‘Take my picture!’
‘No mine!’
‘No mine!’
it has the National Orchid Collection
With little orchids
Medium-sized orchids
And orchids as tall as a house.
And this is as close to a selfie as I’ll ever get
Me in the orchid mirror tunnel.
There’s even a celebrity section where they’ve named new varietals after visiting celebs.
This one was my favourite
But this one wasn’t bad either –
It’s not blue … but you can’t have everything, I suppose.
But it’s not just about the plants – it’s such a beautiful place that it’s ideal for –
A tai chi lesson
yummy mummy joggers
A mysterious clapping and chanting group
Jogging grannies
And dog walkers … obviously offering both the basic and the premium service.
Plus the most enormous monitor lizard, who posed like a pro for me.