And the gold medal for public holidays goes to … Malaysia!

The number of public holidays here is truly insane.  If you’re used to the English system of three Bank Holiday Mondays a year – and be grateful for them – then the Malaysian system is a real eye-opener.

For a start, there are three main ethnic groups, so there are holidays for Islamic, Chinese and Indian festivals, plus all the other holidays for country-wide celebrations, like Independence Day.

Not only that, but the dates of the holidays can just randomly change with very little notice.  Imagine the rioting in the Home Counties if August Bank Holiday Monday was suddenly changed to August Bank Holiday Wednesday, a couple of weeks beforehand.

This has worked in my favour next week.  There was supposed to be a holiday next Thursday, which is one of my days off, but I found out on Monday that the holiday has now been moved to Friday, which gives me the equivalent of a long weekend … three days off in a row … yay!

And that’s in addition to the public holiday we had last week, and the one we’ve got this week … oh – and not to mention the five-day weekend we had two weeks ago.

The five-day weekend was originally supposed to be a four-day weekend at the end of August, because Eid and Independence day fell on two consecutive days – Thursday and Friday.  Then, on that Thursday, the Prime Minister announced that because of Malaysia’s outstanding performance in the South East Asia Games, he was declaring the Monday a Public Holiday too … Go Malaysia!

“There are too many public holidays in Malaysia. But… due to the overwhelming support and the tremendous performances by our athletes, therefore, the government would like to announce 4 September as a public holiday,” Najib announced to a roaring crowd.

And here’s a list of Kuala Lumpur’s public holidays for 2017:

Date Day Holiday
1 Jan Sun New Year’s Day
2 Jan Mon New Year Holiday
28 Jan Sat Chinese New Year
29 Jan Sun Chinese New Year Holiday
30 Jan Mon Chinese New Year Holiday
1 Feb Wed Federal Territory Day
9 Feb Thu Thaipusam
24 Apr Mon Installation of YDP Agong
1 May Mon Labour Day
10 May Wed Wesak Day
12 Jun Mon Nuzul Al-Quran
25 Jun Sun Hari Raya Aidilfitri
26 Jun Mon Hari Raya Aidilfitri Holiday
27 Jun Tue Hari Raya Aidilfitri Holiday
31 Aug Thu Merdeka Day
1 Sep Fri Hari Raya Haji
4 Sep Mon Sep 4 Holiday (SEA Games)
9 Sep Sat Agong’s Birthday
16 Sep Sat Malaysia Day
22 Sep Fri Awal Muharram
18 Oct Wed Deepavali
1 Dec Fri Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday
25 Dec Mon Christmas Day

And now compare that to England’s somewhat meagre ration:

1 January Monday New Year’s Day
30 March Friday Good Friday
2 April Monday Easter Monday
7 May Monday Early May bank holiday
28 May Monday Spring bank holiday
27 August Monday Summer bank holiday
25 December Tuesday Christmas Day
26 December Wednesday Boxing Day

As I said … truly insane.